how to use gua sha

The Function of Gua Sha Scraping and the Usage of Different Parts of the Body.

gua sha benefit

Gua Sha also called Scraping,  is one of the health-preserving methods of traditional Chinese medicine. in our daily life, many people will use scraping to dispel evil qi, ward off wind and cold, enhance immunity and so on. Scraping is through the benign stimulation of the body surface to achieve the effect of health, its benefits are very obvious. So what are the benefits of scraping? 

Scraping one’s hands and feet. 

Scraping hands and feet can achieve the purpose of promoting qi and dredging collaterals. Women often have the symptoms of cold hands and feet, which is mainly related to the deficiency of yang or poor running of qi and blood in the body. You can first use the face of the scraper board to wipe the palm, and after the palm is hot, use the grooves on the scraper board to scrape the four sides of the fingers, from the root to the fingertip, scraping 5 times 10 times in each direction, which can effectively clear the collaterals. 

Scraping the abdomen. 

Shaving the abdomen can relieve defecation. Long-term constipation will not only affect digestion and absorption function, but also cause the body to absorb a lot of toxins. The face of the scraper can be scraped from top to bottom of the abdomen from left to right. It should be noted that if there is a phenomenon of visceral prolapse, it should be scraped from the bottom up. 

Scraping periphery. 

The week of shaving can make your eyes clear. Many people do eye exercises and are very familiar with several acupoints. Scraping instead of finger massage can play a better stimulating effect on acupoints. You should first use scraping combing point to press Jingming point (on both sides of the bridge of the nose, about half a minute from the inner corner of the eye), and then take the Jingming point as the starting point and the outer corner of the eye as the endpoint, scraping from the upper orbit and the lower orbit respectively. This can effectively improve the meridian qi and blood movement around the eyes and achieve the purpose of alleviating visual fatigue. 

Scraping the neck. 

Scraping the neck relaxes the muscles and invigorates the blood circulation. Neck and shoulder discomfort is an occupational disease of desk workers. Scraping can relax muscles and activate blood circulation and improve local qi and blood stasis. Patients should choose three routes, that is, from the midpoint of the posterior hairline to the Dazhui point (the depression under the spinous process of the seventh cervical vertebra), and from the upper edge of the two outer angles of the posterior hairline to the left and right shoulder respectively. In addition, scraping this part when you catch a cold can also have the effect of dispelling wind and dispelling evil.

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