how to use gua sha on body

How To Use Gua Sha On Body

how to use gua sha on body

I had already taught how to use gua sha last week. Today i want to teach you how to use gua sha on body. Do you know what parts of the body can be scraped? As well as do you know how you should perform gua sha massage on each part? Gua sha tools for body is the repetitive scraping of a person’s body part in a sequence that follows a certain direction of blood circulation. Gua sha aims to move energy, known as qi or chi, around the body. The treatment involves using a tool to rub the skin in long strokes, applying enough pressure to create minor bruising.

Here are the highlights.

Gua sha body massage is most commonly used for back gua sha. Back muscles are sore, tired, and shoulder pain, tight and tired muscles caused by long hours of sitting in an office job. In Chinese medicine, the human body’s Governor’s vein that is the middle of the back at the spine and the bladder meridian that is the Governor’s next to 1.5 -3 inches, in charge of the surface of the body, the role is equivalent to the body’s outermost layer of protection, so when there is back pain, focus on these two parts of gua sha, you will see a lot of gua sha points. This means that your main artery is blocked, and you should promote blood circulation.

You can also perform arm gua sha. Many people say that gua sh a can help with weight loss and shaping, so if you want to have slim arms and the same time don’t want to add muscle to your hands, then you should consider handy gua sha.

People who run regularly tend to have calf muscles in their legs and have a hard time to reducing their hamstrings. So if you want to slim your legs but don’t want to grow calf muscles, then i recommend gua sha massage that specifically targets your legs.

Gua sha massage for these parts is a common scraping activity. More and more people have become fond of gua sha for their arms, legs and back.

Of course, there are a few things to keep in mind after gua sha.

The first thing you need to know that gua sha stimulates blood circulation and sweat gland secretion. So after gua sha, it is like a hot spring, you should drink warm water to hydrate. In addition, you should avoid cold food, cold shower, and iced milk tea after gua sha, and avoid cold air.

So you want to have a healthy body and loss weight out side effects, gua sha tools for body is your best to use gua sha on body

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